K.V.S Hari

Strengthening The Signal Processing Community Together

Candidate for IEEE Signal Processing Society President-Elect (2025-27)

Director, Centre for Brain Research at IISc | Professor, Department of ECE, IISc

Vote for me!

About Me

Dr. Elena Richardson

K.V.S. Hari is the Director of the Centre for Brain Research and a Professor in the Department of Electrical Communication Engineering at the Indian Institute of Science (IISc).

He specializes in Signal Processing with applications to wireless communications, integrated sensing and communication, healthcare, and neuroscience.

Hari is well-positioned to lead the society and drive its mission forward with over 30 years of experience as a member of the IEEE Signal Processing Society. His commitment to expand the SPS membership base resulted in a significant increase in SPS membership in R10 (increased from 4491 in 2017 to 6154 in 2019) during his tenure as R10 SPS Regional Director-at-Large. He continued his energetic efforts as SPS Vice President-Membership, triggering a similar growth across all regions by leading special initiatives for students, women, and industry professionals, in Africa, Latin America, and Asia.

His stupendous efforts contributed to a few landmark moments for SPS:

20,000+ members during the 75th anniversary of SPS in 2023.

More than 200 SPS student branch chapters globally.

General Chair for ICASSP in India, 2025

Launch of SPS Student Scholarship Program.

His service to SPS has also included being a member of the Signal Processing Theory and Methods (SPTM) Technical Committee and Signal and Array Processing Methods (SAM) Technical Committee. His leadership qualities have been recognised by IEEE MGA which awarded him the 2018 IEEE MGA Leadership Award.

Message from SPS President-Elect Candidate: K.V.S. Hari

The Signal Processing Society Constitution states that the society’s purpose is to:

“Advance and disseminate state-of-the-art scientific information and resources; educate the signal processing community; and provide a venue for people to interact and exchange ideas.”

My vision for the Signal Processing Society is to strengthen the community that has this collective purpose and enable it to provide engineering solutions for challenging problems. This involves identifying problems with a local context, embracing new application areas, developing new theoretical and practical tools, triggering innovation, and bringing academia and industry closer.

I pledge to:

  • Enable active engagement of all stakeholders to make SPS a diverse, inclusive, equitable, sustainable, and vibrant community.
  • Expand the community by reaching out to professionals in other disciplines that use signal processing.
  • Educate the next generation of technologists about the power of signal processing tools.
  • Embrace new disruptive tools and technology innovations.
  • Enhance the technical level of conferences and journals to make them the “go-to” destination for researchers, industry professionals, and policymakers.
  • Encourage strong industry-academia relationships that promote innovation.
  • Empower chapters, technical committees, and industry groups to provide enhanced member benefits at affordable costs.
  • Engage with the community in an open, transparent, and ethical manner.

Specific actions:

  • Enhance joint activities with other IEEE societies at Chapter and Student Chapter levels.
  • Conduct regular workshops on Ethics and Diversity issues.
  • Expand the SPS student scholarship scheme significantly.
  • Launch a new SPS student internship program with industry.
  • Strengthen regular Mentor-Mentee Networking events.
  • Organize more student job fairs.
  • Improve the delivery mechanism of technical content to members.
  • Launch SPS technology podcasts by distinguished researchers in academia and industry.
  • Create user-friendly access to curated education content of the SPS repository.
  • Create content useful for industry professionals.
  • Expand the creation of exhaustive datasets.
  • Ensure speedy and quality review of papers submitted to journals and conferences.
  • Work with IEEE to reduce overlength page charges.
  • Organize affordable, inclusive, sustainable conferences.
  • Expand the conference travel grant scheme significantly.
  • Organize an annual industry networking event inviting thought leaders, futurists, distinguished academicians, smart innovators, and funding agencies.
  • Conduct focused training workshops on how to contribute to industry standards.
  • Engage with local government to influence technology-related policies.

My substantial experience as a volunteer in different positions in my professional career and in IEEE and SPS has prepared me to take this global responsibility of propelling the society to new heights. We will do this as a team and in the spirit of service to “be good and do good.”

Vote (Feb. 6 - Mar. 26, 2025) to support my candidacy.

IEEE Activities

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  • General Chair – ICASSP 2025
  • Vice President – Membership, Board of Governors, IEEE Signal Processing Society (1 Jan 2020 – 31 Dec 2022)
  • Member, Board of Governors, IEEE Signal Processing Society as Regional Director-at-Large (R10), (1 Jan 2018 – 31 Dec 2019)
  • Member of IEEE Signal Processing Society’s Signal Processing Theory and Methods Technical Committee (SPTM-TC) (2014 – 2019)
  • Associate Member of IEEE Signal Processing Society’s Sensor Array and Multichannel Technical Committee (SAM-TC) (2010 – Present).
  • Chair, IEEE Signal Processing Society Bangalore Chapter in 2005, 2011, 2012, 2013. Part of the Founding team of the Bangalore Chapter in 2001.
  • Active member of all activities of the Bangalore chapter in organizing International conferences (SPCOM series), SP-Connect, an activity for connecting students and technologists.
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  • Members, IEEE – FELLOW committee (2023-2024)
  • Chair of the IEEE Ad-hoc committee on India Strategy (2017)
  • Vice-Chair, IEEE Bangalore Section (2012, 2013)
  • General Chair, 2013 IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Computing and Communication Technologies (IEEE CONECCT), 17-19 Jan 2013.
  • General Chair, 2014 IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Computing and Communication Technologies (IEEE CONECCT), 6-7 Jan 2014.
  • Member, Industry Forum and Exhibition Committee, International Conference on Communications (ICC 2013), 9-13 June 2013, Budapest, Hungary
  • Member of IEEE 802.16 working group in the IEEE Standards group. Initiated the work for IEEE 802.16 (WiMAX) standard on wireless channel models, 1999-2001.
  • Member of the IEEE University Programs Ad-hoc Committee (UPC), IEEE Educational Activities Board (IEEE-EAB), USA. The mission of the UPC is “To promote and enhance the content and delivery of engineering education globally.” Nominee is the only member from India (2010 – present).
  • Member of Technical Program Committees of several International conferences supported by IEEE like IEEE ICC, IEEE CONECCT, EUSIPCO, VTC, Pernets.
  • Reviewer of the papers submitted to IEEE journals (TSP, SPL, JSTSP) and IEEE conferences.

Vision & Goals

Strengthen the community that promotes signal processing to advance technology for humanity.

Toward this goal, I pledge to pursue the following objectives:


Active engagement of all stakeholders to make SPS a diverse, inclusive, equitable, sustainable and vibrant community./p>


The community by reaching out to professionals in other disciplines that use signal processing.


The next generation of technologists about the power of signal processing tools.


New disruptive tools and technology innovations.


The technical level of conferences and journals to make them the “go-to” destination for researchers, industry professionals and policy makers.


Strong industry-academia relationships that promote innovation.


Chapters, technical committees, and industry groups to provide enhanced member benefits at affordable cost.


With the community in an open, transparent, and ethical manner.


The future of signal processing involves embracing new application areas, triggering the development of new theoretical and practical tools, contributing to the body of knowledge and enabling innovation.

The effective education of the next generation signal processing researchers and practitioners is critical for rapid creation and deployment of emerging technologies. SPS must play a key role in accelerating the pace of continuing education, at scale. My priority will be to enable access to curated multimedia education content by leveraging the talented SPS educator community in academia and industry, and to empower SPS chapters to organize educational events, for students of all ages and preparation, with active collaboration between industry and academia to address problems with local context.

Excellence in SP research is vital. Organizing affordable, inclusive, accessible, sustainable, and joyous conferences is imperative. SPS journals need to be the destination of highest quality work and policies for quick reviewing and affordability will be put in place.

Innovation is key and disruptive ideas will be encouraged in all SPS activities to create breakthroughs in technology solutions for challenging problems of relevance to humanity. An annual networking event inviting thought leaders, futurists, distinguished academicians, smart innovators and funding agencies will be organized to create a vibrant community that will shape the technology landscape of the future.

Standardization is vital for the rapid adoption of technologies and a framework to organize workshops on standardization with the active involvement of standards bodies, industry practitioners and academia at SPS chapters, and conferences will be established.

Diversity, equity and Inclusion are important cornerstones of our Society and I will support and enhance processes to imbibe and ingrain this ethos in our volunteers and staff. We will make SPS an inviting place for women, underrepresented groups, and others to express freely and to pursue excellence joyfully!

My substantial experience as a volunteer in different positions in my professional career and in the IEEE and SPS have prepared me to take this global responsibility of propelling the society to new heights. We will do this as a team and in the spirit of service to “be good and do good”.

Experience & Leadership


Director, at CBR-IISc

Jan 2024 - Present
IISc Logo

Registrar, IISc

16 May 2020 - 21 March 2021
Stanford University Logo

Visiting Associate Professor

Stanford University, Stanford, USA

1999 - 2000
KTH Sweden Logo

Affiliated Professor

Department of Signal Processing, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Sweden

2010 - 2016

Visiting Faculty

1995, 2002
Aalto University Logo

Visiting Professor

Aalto University, Espoo, Finland



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2022 Fellow, Indian National Science Academy (INSA)

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2019 IISc Alumni Award for Research in Engineering

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2018 IEEE MGA Leadership Award

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2016 Fellow, Indian National Academy of Engineering (INAE)

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2015 Fellow, IEEE

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2015 Distinguished Alumnus Award, Osmania University College of Engineering, Hyderabad

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2014 IETE S V C Aiya Memorial Award for Excellence in Telecom Education

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1999 Dr. S. K. Chatterjee Award, Division of Electrical Sciences, IISc

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1998 Fellow, IETE


"The opinions expressed herein are the opinions of the author and not necessarily the opinions of IEEE."
